“Eagle Cap.” from West of Paradise. La Grande: Ice River Press/Wordcraft of Oregon, 1999.
Rpt. in POETRY IN MOTION, Poetry Society of America/NEA, 2001.
Calligraphed on 12" x 28" color sheet and displayed on all Portland, Oregon, buses and trains for 2002.
Donated by George Venn to Eastern Oregon University, November 9, 2005. NFS
Rpt. in POETRY IN MOTION, Poetry Society of America/NEA, 2001.
Calligraphed on 12" x 28" color sheet and displayed on all Portland, Oregon, buses and trains for 2002.
Donated by George Venn to Eastern Oregon University, November 9, 2005. NFS
The mountain in Mirror Lake does not waver
in the wind. This means Wallowa calm has come.
Even tons of stone have settled down for a few
million years of sleep. From mistletoe and fir,
shade lulls your eyes. From deep water, your
new face rises slow. Some old grief sinks away.
The mountain in Mirror Lake does not waver
in the wind. This means Wallowa calm has come.
Even tons of stone have settled down for a few
million years of sleep. From mistletoe and fir,
shade lulls your eyes. From deep water, your
new face rises slow. Some old grief sinks away.